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A diverse group of young people smiling and hugging.

Urology Unbound Interest Group

Provides mentorship, professional development, networking and research opportunities for underrepresented medical students through Urology Unbound's Pipeline Program.

Testimonial Carousel

Sib Mentorship Program

A bi-directional, longitudinal mentorship program for underrepresented minority medical students and urology residents, and volunteer urologists.

A diverse group of people laughing, smiling, and talking together.

A Black woman and Black man smiling in front of a group of people.

Residency Bootcamp

Our 2-day event open to all incoming and current urology residents who come from racial and ethnic backgrounds underrepresented in medicine (URiM). The purpose of the Bootcamp is to prepare participants for the rigors of residency training, decrease the URiM residency attrition rate, and decrease resident burnout.

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